Gateway to the Breede Valley


September 26, 2024

Kennis geskied hiermee dat die huurder van die Brewelskloof steengroef ‘n aansoek by die nasionale departement van mineraal en energiesake ingedien het om te versoek dat die Brewelskloof-steengroef se mynarea met 50 hektaar uitgebrei word.
Die aansoek vra dus of daar weer op die ou, oorspronklike suidelike gedeelte van die Brewelskloof-steengroef (wat vir jare al verlate lê), gemyn kan word (sien twee fotos).
Die applikant se openbare deelnameproseskennisgewing, soos vereis deur die omgewingsimpakevalueringsregulasies van 2014, regulasie 41 word vir u oorweging hierby ingesluit.
U word ook uitgenooi om ’n openbare vergadering by te woon waar hierdie aansoek bespreek gaan word.
Bogenoemde vergadering vind plaas op Woensdag, 2 Oktober 2024 om 18:00 (6nm) in die
Worcester Stadsaal.
Enige insette, kommentaar of navrae kan gerig word aan die omgewingskonsultant, Stephen Davey, Klipberg Consulting, Posbus 46, Darling, 7345 of e-pos: U kan ook ’n kopie van die agtergrondinligting by hom bestel.
Die sluitingsdatum vir insette, kommentaar of navrae is 14 Oktober 2024.
Notice is hereby given that the tenant of the Brewelskloof quarry has applied to the National Department of Mineral and Energy Affairs to request that the Brewelskloof quarry’s mining area be expanded by 50 hectares.
The application, therefore, asks whether the old, original southern part of the Brewelskloof quarry (which has been abandoned for years) can be mined again (see two photos).
The applicant’s public participation process notice, as required by the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations of 2014, Regulation 41, is attached hereto for your consideration.
You are also invited to attend a public meeting to discuss this application. The meeting will take place on Wednesday, October 2, 2024, at 18:00 (6 p.m.) in the Worcester Town Hall.
Any input, comments, or inquiries can be directed to the Environmental Consultant, Stephen Davey, Klipberg Consulting, PO Box 46, Darling, 7345, or emailed to You can also order a copy of the background information from him.
The closing date for inputs, comments, or inquiries is October 14, 2024.

    Last modified: September 26, 2024