- Friday, 8 September 2023 at 11:00 Closing Date
- August 4, 2023 Create Date
- September 22, 2023 Last Updated
- 150.54 KB File Size
Only tenderers who are CIDB (Construction Industry Development Board) registered, or are capable of being registered prior to the evaluation of tenders, with a contractor grading equal to or higher than a contractor grading “6CE” or higher and those who satisfy the eligible criteria stated in the Standard Conditions of Tender and Tender Data (i.e. Clause C.2.1), will be eligible to submit tenders.
Interested contractors can collect bid documents from the Supply Chain Management Offices, 51B Baring Street, Worcester. Documents are to be collected as from Monday, 07 August 2023, during office hours Mondays to Fridays 08h00 – 13h00 and 13h30 - 15h00. A non-refundable fee of R 230-00 (Two Hundred and Thirty Rand) for each set of documents, payable by cash deposits and/or EFTs is required on collection of the bid documents. Please note, the R230 is only payable if you collect the documents in hard copy from our offices. Documents are also electronically available upon request, free of charge, as the printing costs are for the bidder’s own account.
Any enquiries regarding the bidding procedure or the issue of bid documents shall be directed to the Supply Chain Management Unit, for attention of Mr. Taygan Brown, at telephone number 023 348 2956, or e-mail address: tbrown@bvm.gov.za . Alternatively, Mr Wilfred Bells, at telephone number 023 348 2954, or e-mail address: wbells@bvm.gov.za . Any enquiries regarding technical information shall be directed to Mr. Tessel Crotz at telephone number 023 348 2645 or e-mail address: tcrotz@bvm.gov.za with the Employers Agent, Mr. Mogamat Seddique Orrie at telephone number (021) 565 0496 or e-mail address: info@owscivils.co.za carbon copied on correspondences
A compulsory clarification meeting with representatives of the Employer will take place on Wednesday, 16 August 2023, starting time 11h00. Prospective tenderers shall meet at the SCM boardroom, Supply Chain Building, 51B Baring Street, Worcester, GPS Co-ordinates: 33°38'37.23"S, 19°26'42.60"E. Persons arriving later than 11h15 will not be allowed into the meeting. Please note: The Municipality prefer that Senior Company Staff members or Project Managers attend the compulsory clarification meeting as the Tender Specifications and the Scope of Works will be discussed in detail along with the execution phase, expectations and possible amendments. It remains the tenderer’s responsibility to comprehensively familiarize themselves with and fully understand the tender specifications to be able to submit a responsive tender. After the clarification meeting, all attendees shall be directed to the site location for the site visit.
Tender offers, in properly sealed envelopes and clearly marked on the outside with the corresponding bid number and description, must timeously be placed in the tender box at Breede Valley Municipality, Credit Control Offices, 53 Baring Street, Worcester, by not later than 11h00 on Friday, 08 September 2023. Telephonic, telegraphic, telex, facsimile, electronic or e-mailed, bids will not be accepted. If the bid is late, it will not be accepted for consideration.
The Employer does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender and reserves the right to accept any tender or any part thereof, which may result in the acceptance of more than one tender, whichever the case may be. The Employer shall apply the Municipal Supply Chain Management Policy as adopted in terms of Section 111 of the Municipal Financial Management Act, 2003 (Act No 56 of 2003) and relevant regulations. All eligible bids received shall be evaluated in terms of the Employer’s Supply Chain Management Policy and the Preferential Procurement Framework Act. The 80/20 preference point system shall be applicable.
No bids will be considered from persons in the service of the state (as defined in Regulation 44 of the Local Government: Municipal Supply Chain Management Regulations).
Breede Valley Municipality D. McTHOMAS
Last modified: September 22, 2023