Breede Valley Municipality, the Employer, invites tenders for BID BV972/2022: CONSTRUCTION OF 400V/11KV LINE AND THE REMOVAL OF...
Only tenderers who are CIDB (Construction Industry Development Board) registered or are capable of being registered prior to the evaluation...
Breede Valley Municipality, the Employer, invites tenders for BID BV 962/2022: REPLACEMENT OF EXISTING PIPE SYSTEMS THROUGH TRENCHLESS...
The Breede Valley Municipalities invites tenders for the supply and delivery of microbial and chemical reacting agents for a period ending...
The Breede Valley Municipalities invites tenders for the supply and delivery of bins (and related spare parts) for a period ending 30 June...
Breede Valley Municipality, the Employer, invites tenders for bid BV960/2022: Replacement of electrical pre-payment meters and the removal...
The Breede Valley Municipalities invites tenders for the acquisition of R300 million loan. Interested service providers who meet the...
The Breede Valley Municipalities invites tenders for the rendering of hygiene cleansing services for the period ending 30 June 2025. Only...
The Breede Valley Municipalities re-invites tenders for the security monitoring and armed response services for a period ending 30 June...