Gateway to the Breede Valley

Municipal Manager

What we do

The Municipal Manager is the head of administration in the municipality and is responsible for the formation and development of an economical, effective, efficient and accountable administration, by implementing the objects of Local Government set out in the Constitution and the Municipal Integrated Development Plan, managing the provision of services to the local community, governing the appointment of staff and is accountable for all income, expenditure, assets, the discharge of all liabilities and proper and diligent compliance with the Municipal Finance Management Act. He is also the mediator between the administration section,  political structure and political office bearers of the municipality.

He will strive to ensure that municipal services are provided to the local community in a financially and environmentally sustainable manner and giving the local community equal access to the municipal services to which they are entitled to. He will utilise the resources of the municipality in the best interests of the local community, providing, without favour or prejudice, democratic and accountable government. He will facilitate a culture of public service and accountability amongst staff and provide an equitable, free, open and no-discriminatory working environment.


Contact us should you have queries, compliments, complaints or suggestions.

D McThomas:
Tel: 023 348 2602
