Gateway to the Breede Valley

Pay your accounts

Dear BVM Client:

The Breede Valley Municipality anticipates that the COVID-19 national lockdown will have a negative impact on the lives of our citizens as well as a negative effect on the economy at large. The Breede Valley Municipality also understands the effects that the lockdown will have on the cash flow of small businesses that are expected to close their premises.

While noting the challenges above the Municipality would like to encourage the public to ensure that municipal accounts, fines and other required payments are still made as required. During the lockdown period, these payments can still be made at Nedbank, Supermakets and other food vendors that are open. The public is also encouraged to make online electronic payments using the account details indicated below.

As a response to those clients that might experience challenges with paying their accounts the Breede Valley Municipality would like to encourage clients to approach the Credit Control Section after the national lockdown in order to:

  • Apply to make arrangements to pay down the outstanding amount as per the Credit Control and Debt Collection Policy.
  • If approved by the Municipal Manager or his/her delegate, a written payment arrangement must be entered into and signed by both parties.
  • Arrear accounts will not attract any interest during the arrangement period.
  • Should the arrangement not be honoured, the full outstanding amount will become due immediately and interest will become payable. Furthermore, the account will be subjected to normal debt collection procedures.
  • On application business, commercial and agricultural property owners must prove loss of income and also provide any further information that may be required by the municipality, and
  • Residential property owners must prove loss of employment or temporary loss of income and provide any other information that the municipality may require.

In addition to the above measures the Municipality will also immediately remove all electricty blocks on clients who form part of the Indigent Register. This is done to try and assist these vulnerable clients during these trying times. All other categories of clients who are currently blocked can, after making the necessary payment, contact the Credit Control Standby number (084 448 2841) or the Call Centre (0860 12 12 12) in order to have their meters unblocked.

Kind Regards

Roddrick Ontong

Chief Financial Officer

Breede Valley Municipality


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